woensdag 13 januari 2010

Summary of a day to the movies, 5 films in Pathé Amsterdam, (Pathé Unlimited) Stijn C.R.E.C.Gabeler GODOGOOD

Subject : Films / Movies : Dinsdag/Tuesday 12 Januari 2010 Pathé (Amsterdam)
Van: Stijn.Gabeler@Gmail.com

Tushinski zaal 4 21:15 Micmacs a tire-larigot (23:10)

Humoristic et en france

La vigilante de l'armement

Youtube,- partage cette video
Datum: 12-01-2010 21:16

19:30 De Munt zaal 10: The men who stare at goats (end 21:19)

#~ za 23 jan rocva.nl

We need the jedi > special forces

Irak dessert, war, terror and FLOWER POWER

The Earth army : PSCI Usa

Paranormal experiences, see,hear,taste,feel

Funny lsd jokes

Walk through walls

Datum: 12-01-2010 18:48

#~ http://www.aneducationfilm.com/ i feel old but not very wise,

action is character.

16:45 Tushinski zaal 5 : Creation
The evolution of species

Ocean pictues, Hanway Film BBC Films, Recorded Picture Company

A story, about everything

Darwin, the Lineaus society, all creatures, species theory.
Writing a book and killing God or understanding God's creation.

(only faith can cure)

Why and how people lost an Appendix ?,
behaviour, needs, A natural history of babies.

Is nature in peace or a battle field

His wife Emma and a disturbd relation, Love,beauty,theorie and sad stories.

4 children, sickness, inquisitive daughter Annie.

Baby Charley died under 2 years.

Jenny the ape, presentable for high society.

Study,research, theory and practice of education to apes.

Huxly about moral courage and health

Imoral souls, fear from his wife

He didn't understand why his daughter asked him to tell the story about the ape Jenny getting sick and dying,.... She loved sad stories.

The lost of religion as a process, completed for Charles Darwin

Etty his second daughter gets emotional about the balance of nature, when a fox eats a rabbit.

Natural selection and the power of humans.

Physisians of souls, illusions, flue and hallucinations.

Breeding pigeons, generations, altering strength and beauty

Embryos screaming from jars.

Kalomel for wife from doctor unlogical

Malvern ? Manifestations ?

Doctor subscribes rest and cheladonium

Alfred Russel Walace 20 pages, letter from spice islands

900 species....

Religion versus Science

Living between hope and no hope.

Emma: these are your thoughts not mine !

Theory of descent, complex manners, laws acting around us.

We have been and are being evolved !

Datum: 12-01-2010 15:58

14:15 zaal 5 Hachi

#~= Commercials/Trailers until 14:30

8 number of luck, Hachi in Japanese.

The Akita puppy dog found at the train station, dog royalty? (Japan / replay in the USA)

Blodlinage 4000 years or more.

Shibuya Hachiko Japan

Datum: 12-01-2010 14:20

http://www.sherlockholmesdefilm.nl/ 3 Golden globe awards nominations

12:00 zaal 11 Sherlock Holmes

#~ The last sain thought? 5 people died with a reason?

Studies methods, fights with super powers, knowledge

Drugs his dog for the sake of science

Chronology, alphabetic, suspisiousness ? Detective

London in the period of the building of the towerbridge

Plays guitar on a violin

Solves cases in 24 hours

Doesn't care for cloathing, never goes out,.... Unless

And then he jumps out of a window, forseen and planned well

- Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht niet weergeven -

Lord Blackwood dead or alive ?

(to create a new future, a future ruled by us.)

John Watson and Mary ....

And beyond rational mind revelations 1:18

I am alive, i was dead.

The devil turns up or a next best thing? Corrupt police?

Murder, merci or/and conspiracy, fear is the weapon

How Englands destiny was changed on 12 o clock 12th ding/dong

A corrupt parlements. Miss Adler, everyones weak spot and a lot of theories,methods and magical tricks. Deviant?

Machines controled by radiowaves, the future. Case closed.
GODOGOOD (CharityClubCompany@GMail.com) een organisatie die zich inzet om mensen te motiveren, te inspireren en te activeren op het niveau van zelfhulp, samenwerken en het opzetten van sociale voorzieningen en sociale activiteiten.

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