maandag 25 januari 2010


The comedy Did You Hear About the Morgans? is about a very successful couple from Manhattan, Meryl and Paul Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant), whose almost perfect life but a crack running - their failing marriage.
But the commotion surrounding their love life is nothing compared to what is to happen: they are witnesses to a murder and are the target of an assassin. Police protection from the Morgans moved from their beloved New York to a small town in Wyoming. The relationship that was about to collapse, seems fully beaches in the Rocky Mountains ... unless the Morgans, in their new BlackBerry-free life, hectic their lives may leave behind their passion to breathe new life.

Neurotic New Yorkers
Two real urban New Yorker types  Paul (Hugh Grant) and Meryl (Sarah Jessica Parker) Morgan,
neurotic as can be who are devoted to Manhattan.

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My opinion: i liked the film very much, it was a funny experience, no waste of time !
I certainly wasn't a fan of (Sarah Jessica Parker)
They were great together !

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