zaterdag 31 juli 2010

Films for FFFUNNN, GODOGOOD International Education.

 Idea, a same shirt as my NEW YORK shirt, but with extra pockets on arms and one on chest/breast hight for mobile phones.
RED             WHITE        BLUE

Maybe is your department,
my job is catching it and find out.SALT trailer.

Do we need an immigration form?
Improvisation leads to new creation.
Don't loose yourself and let people go.
extraction, training the mind, tricks to control peoples thoughts and actions.
An idea is a parasite or the way to freedom. Safe information versus open sourced !? Trust is a subject, an issue, a matter.....
Imagination and beyond.
Some say : Pain is in the mind.
Dom Cobb steals ideas and hunts for a confidential file, He wishes to go back to America to sww his family,
who delivers ?...what happens in sleepphases and trancedential matters?
Conciousness, Awareness, Knowledge, Questions require answers.
A secret needs to be reveiled !
A substance in a dream needs to be the same as in reality, actions give reactions.
Awakening by selfcontrol or by the power of a company which is trying to control the globe and is behind the force why people empower or deactivate human lifes.
A father figure and spy in action.
Inception with or without satisfaction ?
Cobol Engeneering, Buenos aeras.
France Paris, bureaucratic life ? A way home ? Chances to build a new world !
Designing Dreams or back to reality ?
Cobb searches an Architect and meets by connecting to a friend a new friend (Ariadne).
Using more brains during our sleep !
Our mind creates the world of dreams and makes it a new reality.
Everything explodes, a face full of glass hurts in a dream or awaken within 5 minutes is an hour in a dream.
Projections of subconciousness, automatically informed but physically unreal, a world upside-down.
How to control these worlds ?
Mirrors to protect yourself.
Real places or details and recreations.
What is real and what is a dream ?
People in dreamworlds need TOTEMS to know in whichones dreams you are !
Selfconsiousness or other peoples truth?
A runaway scene in Mobasa. Pure creation is powerfull and paradoxal. Infinite stairs or mazes. Projeections of before or after the moment of now. A dream within a dream, levels, up to ......
Sharing dreams,connecting with others.
When a dream is the reality, people come to be woken-up.
The gravity of a request to plant an idea or change peoples mind with INTERCEPTION is a difficult thing.
Only the dreamer should know a layout.
Projections are obstacles.
Peoples thoughts, business strategy described as an emotion.
Work with what you find,
Using a musical countdown to fall asleep.
10 hours to make it work as a team.
Miles,Arthur,Ariadne, Saito and Dom
Memories we have to change ?
The value of dreams and sharing !
Knowing what it is to be a half of a  whole, being lovers ? Understanding a prison ? 
New York City a Yellow GREENSIDE Cab 2053, a train, gunshots, a new scenario?
Dying is Limbo, infinite ? Risks to take ?
Possesed by an idea.
A warzone and a way out ?
Or loosing the sight on what was real ?
The way we live and want to live.
The way we are and the things we do.
Dom's viance Mal thinks about /: Suicide as a solution to leave your dreams.
The nature of ones madness !
What destroyed her or empowered her to be concious or instinctively right or wrong.
Dream bigger, create bigger !
Safety, Security, Subconciousness....
The state of succesfull stories.
Eames and the power of a lizard, incognito, changing entities.
Extraction or protection against accessing your dreams by other people.
The stranger the dream, ....
Mr Fisher asks for help.
 Remembers the training,.....
Timing needs to be perfect for each freefall, each vibration, each move.
Putting someone in and under ?
A scene on a bridge, a scene in the snowy mountains, music interfears, timeelapses from dream to higher state of dreaming, confronts effect after effect, A paradox ciclus. Gravity ends after the fall!
What one builds in years can be gone in a dream of a second*,/.
In a real world you have to choose, in a dream we can create !
Grow to define or destroy ?
Believe in one reality, choose to be where you are, choose this level,this life.

The Joneses, be part of the unit.(trailer)

Leap Year zaal 13 an Irish tradition.
MARRIED IN, .... !? Unmarried not ????
BOB/Anna: No luck needed ?
If romance leads her ....
From Boston to New York ?.
Than... To Dublin ?
the Davenport Appartements,....
DePrisco's, a better engagement ring?
A family Myth, February 29th, She can....
If Jeremy gives some earrings and doesn't propose her, She needs to take action.
Leap Year Proposals makes this possible ?
Cardif Wales, emergency landings.
Is it the government or the wheather?
Nothing id stopping her.
A hang-sandwich, killing the village Carnagh's electricity by loading a blackberry.
When the local pubowner Louis/Declan in a Renault 4 brings her for 500 euro to Dublin, some problems and magic happen. 611  MIP,....
After 24 hours of every level of hell....
A discussion, terrible music,Cows and sssh..., disaster, no car, thiefs who steal her suitcase. Anne and Declan getting along fine. After just keeping the peace and a little fight, Anne gets her suitcase back.
Ballycarberry Castle, 2h43m together.
The story about Diarmuid,Waiting for a train. A wonderfull view.
You can dish it but you can't take it.
The best B&B in Tipperary.
Have a little faith, it'll all work out.
Cooking one meal together,Slainté, a kiss like  it's the first time and the last time.
One night together,....
Sunday, no trains. Hail stones,
the second Law of Murphy.
A local wedding, beauty seduces or magnifice magic. A Riverdance.
Steal my sorrow,Lie with me,Cheat death
Being bad at weddings.
Missing a bus, deducting or adding.
Declan takes Anna to Dublin.
A Claddagh Ring to worry about ?
Declan/Dekko saves his Caragh's bar pub.
Gets his ring back from Kaghlei his ex.

Mr Parker/the Karate Kid, goes to China with his mother to live there.
A few boys herash him, No Merci they where teached on their Karate/Kung Fu school. Fortunately the concierge of the building where He lives saves him,heals him with hot glass bulbs a ((?((JIOAFA  healing method/((trick,educates him and helps him to participate a Kung Fu tournament. Reason is motivation, Mr Han teaches Parker that Kung Fu is about making peace with your enemy. A young and athletic boy with a few quick tricks becomes a fighting expert. Han teaches the boy Affection, an Attitude of Appreciation, A view on life ....
@ Shi Yi Festival.Xiao Dre learns to take care of his jacket. Kung Fu lives in everything we do or don't. Every move. Everything is Kung Fu !
Chi,eternal energy, floaths in our life.
A day by train,....
Mr Han takes Dre to the Dragonwell, a place where everything good in him is born and created.
Climbing the mountain makes Dre ask for Sui/Water. Controlling a snake by being still and at ease. Flow, Empty your mind, Focus.Focus more !
Eating noodles, practicing tricks, anticipation, concentration,strength,....
A day off.Wu Ji bi Fan. To much is no good.
MeiYing and a violin audition. Dancing.
June 8th the day Mr Han's child Gong Gong and Wife Zhang died in a car crash during arguing. No trainingsday.
When students becomes teacher, Dre is ready. A day on a tower of the Chinese wall. Time and effort, energy floaths through Dre, Flexibel and Fast.
A powerfull boy becomes wise and unbeatable. Fight hard, earn respect.
Life will knock us down, but we can choose to get back up.
A request in Chinese, A promise.
The tournament/ Rock&Roll.
Hit, don't get hit. Be strong.
The fighting dragon Dre.
Same as karate kid 1 the tournament has it's tricks and problems.
A copy, but a great one !
 Because fear may not hunt people down.
Parker fights Cheng in the finals.
The bad teacher wants Cheng to break Parkers leg. No mercy.
With a cobra move Dre fights back.

Once you sign up for terror it is only you and your own thoughts and feelings.
We all  have to do something.
A 38 Smith and Weston gun and some bullets.
Two boys stealing a pontiac at the Windsor.For GOD and Ulster,....
Provi's thread, a first kill.
James Griffin,37 Hill Street Lurgan, the target ? Gunshots, a boy witnesses his brother die by the riot Alistair.
The IRA, The Army, fear.
A programm of reconsiliation.
Meeting the brother of the man Alistair on the age of 17 killed. 12 years of prison,....
The mother blamed the boy/man Joe.
33 years long.
2 cars and chauffeurs talking with the older victim men/ boy (Joe) and Alistair the killer (50).
Truth and reconsiliation, what will it take
and is it possible? Joe wants revenge.
Joe gets all the wrong feelings.
By killing the killer of his brother, Joe thinks to have his 5 minutes of heaven.
Society needs to stop people befor they join the gangs and riots.
Joe talks with the Runnergirl. Gets upset.
Time will heal people say, but for Alistair it gets heavier, seeing the boy for 33 years.
Once you are guilty, you stay guilty.
A CONFRONTATION ! A picture of Joe's Family, a letter to meet, Hatred from Joe.
A fight, a window, both still alive.
Joe goes to his family,talks, uses words in a therapy group.
Alistair Little vanishes to Belfast.
A phonecall from Joe with a forgiving tone confirms Alistairs long forgotten happyness with a smile.

Sometimes you remember a week for the rest of your life.
2 dollards to see tragedy ?
5 Nov 1937.NYC, Richard and Gretta.
Possibilities, A play, an actor, music.
West 41st. Theatre Mercury, 50.000 prints.
CEASAR, violence or passion.
Brilliant broadcastings.
A song, a succes.
Sonja Jones, the teacher.
Lucius singing Brutus a lullaby,....
Being a GOD created actor.
Orson is Brutus, Competitive,.... Intractible
Talking about and waiting for Orson.
Needing Mo' time ? Small mindingness is sufficating. Tonalities, directing'.
Broadway to Hollywood career.
Sonja and a date with Richard/Junior.
A 5 dollard bet. The Mercury cold.
A future altered by a letter of 3 sentences.
Studying Shakespear, Ukalila, singing.
CBS National Radio,Madison 485, the bad luck thing!? The late edition for love.
A perfect quote out of a book called improvisation, Orson is smooth with words but always late.
Who you are,what do you want,what do you love??? Stage-excitement.
Matches, Sprinklers, a wet theatre.
Keats, Gretta and an Ode to a Greek urn.
A short story, touching the urn for luck.
Let the scene carry the bagage,....
The tickets/pick a number get a partner and 5 dollar trick.
Feel like a family, or hate family ?
The essential Orson Welles moment.
Imagination and vision lead chaos back to a perfect play. One more runthrough is when the magic happens.
Who you are, is that who you want to be ?
See images of magnificence.
If people can't find you, they can't dislike you.
The night that either makes me or fordust me.Cinna the poet,
Cesar a man of commen good ?
Plutarch writes....
Adler Hungry Generations, published by the New Yorker.


Sterke verhalen 19 aug 2010 trailer

22:00 practitioners in magic.
The Grimhold /prison for sorcerors.
David, NYC 2000. The prime merlinium.
A post-it for Becky, Arcana Cabana.
An own encantus, a dragon ring.
2010 WNYU radio.
Becky again, hoping there is music all around you.
Horvat wants the doll to free Morganians.
Chinatown,matroesjka pop.
Clear your mind, believe, use the dragonrings-power.
The Merlin circle, pointy shoes, David the apprentace of Balthazar Blake the wizard/sorceror of the 777th.
Complete focus, love distracts.
Become powerfull from within.
Control yourself to control your magic.
2 speedy cars, a mirror, reflection trick.
Car transformations, 2 against 2.
a parasite spell.
Conducting the force in electromagnetic fields, a Mathador, ,power,strenght,skills.
Help from some friends. Saving Veronica. Beating Morgana. Bringing Baltazar back.
Becky as a girlfriend. Flying to France.
End good,all good. Hocus pocus,.... / www.RechtVaardigNederland.EU 

GODOGOOD ( een organisatie die zich inzet om mensen te motiveren, te inspireren en te activeren op het niveau van zelfhulp, samenwerken en het opzetten van sociale voorzieningen en sociale activiteiten.

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RechtVaardigNederland.EU een website met links naar portalen en instellingen die betrokken zijn bij de rechtvaardiging van het leven in een democratische wereld met producten en diensten, die menswaardig en milieu bewust worden vervaardigd en verhandeld. Acties en Evenementen, Samenwerkingen tussen jong en oud. Gericht op zaken binnen en buiten Europa. Vanuit Nederland gestart door een campagne en gerichte communicatie om jongeren en ouderen bij elkaar te brengen.